Protect Yourself
Interactive Flood Zone Viewer
In the event of a flood it is important to protect yourself and your loved ones. Avoid walking or driving through flood water; just six inches of moving water can knock down an adult, and a car can be swept away in as little as one foot of water. Have an emergency kit prepared. This should include a battery or crank powered AM/FM radio, a flashlight, a first aid kit, water (one gallon per person per day), and copies of important family documents such as prescriptions, proof of address, and passports. For a complete list, visit the website.
Pay attention to emergency alerts, TV, or radio for weather updates, emergency instructions, and evacuation orders. Flood warnings are disseminated by the Emergency Alert System through local radio and television stations and by NOAA Weather radio at 162.55 MHz. Follow the San Joaquin Office of Emergency Services on Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube for up-to-date local emergency information. You can also check out the county flood ALERT site to for forecasts, gage maps, and flood guidance.
After a flood, avoid contact with floodwater, which may contain contaminants. If there are power lines down around your home, report them immediately to the electrical company and do not step in puddles or standing water. If any gas or electrical appliances were flooded, don’t use them until they have been checked for safety.
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