California is in its third year of a drought. Last year was one of the driest on record and this year is expected to be one of the ten driest years on record. The State Water Project, of which the Agency is one of 29 Contractors, has a historically low allocation of just 5 percent of its water supply. As a result, the Pass Agency will receive just 865 acre-feet of its contractual 17,300 acre-feet. An acre-foot of water is enough to serve two families for a year.
Polls show that virtually all Californians are aware of the drought and are taking steps to conserve water this year. The Governor and water agencies throughout the state have done a good job publicizing the magnitude of the problem. We know that residents here are already conserving; we want to make sure that, if the drought continues into a fourth year, there will be enough water to go around.
Information Provided by www.acwa.com