What is Stormwater? Where does it come from and where does it go?

In San Joaquin County we get an average of 16 inches of rain each year - which is also called stormwater. Have you ever wondered where all that stormwater goes? In unpaved areas, the water absorbs into the ground, which is beneficial for plants and helps maintain groundwater. However, in developed areas with impervious surfaces such as rooftops, paved roads, driveways, and parking lots, the water is unable to absorb into the ground and instead flows over the impervious surfaces, through gutters, into storm drains, and ultimately into the local waterways.

As this stormwater flows over the urban landscape, it can pick up any substances that it comes into contact with including animal waste, automobile fluids, pesticides, trash, and other pollutants, which find their way into the storm drain system. The storm drain system - which consists of curbs, gutters, and storm drains - carries water untreated into local creeks and rivers.

San Joaquin County is very fortunate to have numerous water resources, including rivers, streams, sloughs, marshes, wetlands, channels, harbors, and underground aquifers. This includes the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta consisting of the San Joaquin River and its tributaries. These waterways provide a host of benefits, including habitat for wildlife (including the largest striped bass spawning grounds on the Pacific Coast), transportation for commercial ships, and recreational opportunities like boating, swimming, and fishing.

To protect our waterways and the people, fish, birds, and animals that use them, the City of Stockton and County of San Joaquin have partnered and developed a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) that complies with the Central Valley Region-Wide NPDES Permit. The SWMP identifies the programs and practices that need to be implemented by the City, County, and the residents and businesses to reduce the pollutants that could get into the storm drainage system and harm our waterways. Although the SWMP addresses a wide range of potential issues, the programs and practices specifically target the following types of pollutants:

Visit the following pages to learn how YOU can help reduce stormwater pollution in your community and protect our local water resources:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is stormwater pollution?

Rain water that isn’t absorbed into the ground flows over various surfaces throughout the urban landscape before entering a storm drain. This water is considered stormwater. As stormwater flows over the urban landscape, it may pick up pollutants such as animal waste, automobile fluids, fertilizers, trash, and pesticides, which may then be carried into the storm drains where it flows untreated into the local waterways.

Why is stormwater pollution a problem?

Stormwater runoff is not treated before it reaches local streams, creeks, rivers, and the ocean. That means that any pollutants it carries with it, such as trash and chemicals, enter our waterways and may harm the people, fish, birds, and animals that use them.

Remember: a sanitary sewer system and a storm drain system are not the same. Water that goes down a sink, shower, or other indoor plumbing drain flows to either a wastewater treatment plant or to a septic system for treatment. In contrast, water that flows into a storm drain is not treated.

How does stormwater pollution affect my community?

Any pollutants that stormwater picks up as it flows into the storm drain system may harm local waterways. Examples of these adverse impacts include:

  • Nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen can cause the overgrowth of algae resulting in oxygen depletion in waterways, which then kills the fish.
  • Chemicals from motor vehicles and pesticides and fertilizers may be poisonous to fish and other aquatic life.
  • Bacteria from animal waste can make lakes and waterways unsafe for wading, swimming, and fish consumption.
  • Trash can clog storm drains, causing flooded streets during storm events or flow into the waterways harming the wildlife and habitat.

How can I protect our water resources?

We’re glad you asked! Everyone in San Joaquin County has a vital role to play in helping reduce the potential impacts of stormwater runoff.

The main principle to keep in mind is to keep pollutants out of stormwater. Be mindful of any substances present in your neighborhood and daily life that are potential stormwater pollutants and do your best to keep them out of storm drains and waterways.

For specific tips on protecting our waterways from stormwater pollution, please visit the following pages based on whether you are a resident, business, or involved in development or construction:

  • Residents: Learn how to reduce stormwater pollution in your yard maintenance, car maintenance, pet care, house cleaning, trash disposal, and more.
  • Businesses: Find stormwater pollution tips and requirements for building maintenance, landscape maintenance, pressure washing, and more.
  • Development: Learn how to prevent stormwater pollution during the planning and development process.
  • Construction and Post-Construction: Learn how to prevent stormwater pollution during a construction project.