
During construction, soil, cement wash, asphalt, oil, and other types of pollutants can get tracked onto streets and washed into the storm drain system and into local waterways. Because of that, construction projects are subject to stormwater management regulations. If you are disturbing the ground, it is important to do your part in protecting stormwater and creeks by implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs). This page provides information and resources for ensuring that construction sites meet the requirements and minimizes stormwater pollution.

Erosion and Sediment Control Plans

If your project requires a permit (e.g., building or grading permits) from the County, you may need to develop an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP). An ESCP establishes the site-specific actions and BMPs that you will need to implement to prevent dirt and other construction materials and waste from leaving your site.

For more details on the specific requirements for ESCPs please see San Joaquin County’s Code of Ordinances.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (Construction Sites > 1 acre)

Under State law, construction projects that disturb an acre or more of land, including smaller sites part of a larger common plan of development, are regulated under the State Water Board’s Construction General Permit (CGP). These projects must obtain coverage under the CGP and develop a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).

A SWPPP is a detailed site-specific plan to protect stormwater quality leaving the site. Prepared by qualified individuals, a SWPPP must include a detailed BMP implementation plan as well as a construction site stormwater monitoring program.

Find out more about the CGP requirements and SWPPPs here.

Stormwater Program Best Management Practices For Construction Sites

Implementing the following types of BMPs at a construction site helps to reduce stormwater pollution.

Erosion Control protects soil from being eroded by rainfall, flowing water, or wind.

  • Schedule the construction, taking into account weather conditions.
  • Preserve existing vegetation.

Sediment Control helps trap any soil particles that do get displaced and prevent them from reaching storm drains. This includes using silt fences, fiber rolls, sandbag barriers, gravel bag berms, street sweeping, storm drain inlet protection, and a stabilized construction entrance/exit.

Non-stormwater Management practices include conserving water during construction and using dewatering operations to manage sediment when stormwater is removed from the site.

Waste Management is important for limiting and containing waste produced at a construction site. This includes stockpile management, spill prevention, concrete waste management, septic waste management, and more.

The California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) produced the Construction BMP Online Handbook to provide general guidance for selecting and implementing BMPs to reduce pollutants in runoff from construction sites. This document is available for a fee.

This flier gives more detail on BMPs that must be implemented at construction sites.
