Zone 10

Zone 10 was created on September 7, 1976, by the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors, as the successor to the former Woodbridge Protection District No. 1 and 2, whose responsibilities included providing emergency flood protection and performing emergency remediation work along approximately 5.3 miles of the levee system along the Mokelumne River during periods of flooding.

Historically, certain areas of Zone 10 have flooded due to lack of facilities for terminal disposal of excess waters from the lands within the boundaries of Zone 10. In 1984, and again in 1990, Agreements were entered into between the Woodbridge Irrigation District and the San Joaquin Flood Control and Water Conservation District for the use of Woodbridge Irrigation District facilities to pump excess waters from the lands within the Zone 10 boundaries through Woodbridge Irrigation District’s canals for terminal discharge into the Mokelumne River. These Agreements have expired, but Zone 10 has the continued responsibility for the terminal disposal of the excess waters within the Zone’s boundaries and for the flood protection of the lands within Zone 10. In the event of an emergency, special arrangements may be necessary to pump excess waters through Woodbridge Irrigation District’s canals.

Zone 10 is funded by property assessments that fund the budget for these costs:

  • Facilitating the labor, equipment, and conveyance necessary to handle excess water flows from Zone 10 for terminal drainage
  • Performing the necessary emergency repairs and/or maintenance of the approximately 5.3 miles of levee system along the Mokelumne River that protect Zone 10 from the Mokelumne River as a flood source.